OneViewCRM™ – Features & Benefits

Key Features:

  • Prospect/Customer centric view
  • Personal detail management de-dupe facility
  • Address management and history with address lookup
  • Contact management and history
  • Email and snail mail facility
  • Single click letter generation for all prospects, all campaigns and all products
  • Easy and effective follow up with automated and semi automated routines
  • Microsoft word based templates
  • Microsoft word based letters
  • Bulk printing to a printer or to an external file
  • Campaign management, measurement and effectiveness monitoring
  • Media, affinity (partner) management
  • Best tool for measuring effectiveness of a campaign
  • Multi product
  • Applicable to all businesses

Technical Features:

  • Intuitive user-friendly interface
  • No software to install
  • No hardware to maintain other than your own PC
  • Multi users with various roles


  • OneViewCRM™ is a Browser-based system so you don’t have to install any software or maintain and upgrade hardware
  • The user-friendly and intuitive Interface makes it simple and easy to use for everyone
  • All your data is completely secure and protected through industry standard encryption protocols
  • You can define your own workflow / Sequence of event in the direct marketing campaign according to your specific requirements
  • Multiple roles and users can be defined from the same organisation, from small to large marketing departments
  • Hosted or Enterprise versions available for corporate clients
  • Except Enterprise version, all versions require installing the letter-printing plug-in for faster performance

If you need more information, please contact us on +44 0116 2755 680 or send an email to
